Even worse, Big Business has now teamed up with immigration and labor lawyers to avoid hiring American workers here at home. That's right. Take a look at the CNN news report by Lou Dobbs below. The footage features an immigration attorney teaching businesses how to avoid hiring U.S. workers.
CNN's Lou Dobbs Exposes An Immigration Lawyer Teaching Businesses How to Avoid Hiring Americans
"David Rockefellers needed a super highway"............
"David Rockefellers needed a super highway"............
What do politicians and the Bilderbergs have planed for your FUTURE and your JOB?
Look at these photos and these videos and you tell me what chance you and your family have of surviving in this new America?
In order to make OUTRAGEOUS PROFITS they invented a new words - FREE TRADE-NAFTA-NORTH AMERICAN UNION. Sounds wonderful. "lets shut down American plants and go abroad hire starving workers at slave wages and then sell the products back into the USA and make wind-fall profits! . We can make billions $$$$ of dollars in country where workers have no wage laws or rights and can't sue anyone."
WHAT A DEAL !!! American jobs and cash both leaving at an supersonic speed.
What is the first thing that any EMS worker will do when he comes upon a car wreck or any injured human? What is he trained to do FIRST?
This basic rule of survival is to STOP THE BLEEDING. The Doctor will "clamp off" bleeding arteries and then stabilize the system. That is the same thing we need to do with trade and jobs.
Today we the American Economy are "bleeding from 2 main arteries".
Foreign goods coming in by land and by sea. The highways are "land arteries" and our ports are "sea arteries" both profusly bleeding dollars and jobs. They must be "clamped" off until the balance of payments swing in our favor. First turn the ships around and rebuild AMERICAN JOBS and FACTORIES. KEEP THE JOBS AND DOLLARS HOME.
Anyone who ever has been in trouble or found themselves in a deep hole knows that there is one thing that is always the FIRST THING one should do. The very first thing.......anyone should do when they are at the bottom of a hole is .........
I can liken our present Economic Crisis in the land as to a human who has just had a terrible auto accident. Lets say Frank in his car with his buddies they were partying and having a gay old time. Frank was speeding down a road that he was not familiar with. Suddenly the road takes a quick turn around a tree and he can't stop in time. The car crashes and he and his friends are hurt and taken to a Emergency Room in the nearest hospital. Frank is laying on a table bleeding profusely out of 2 main artery's. His blood is literally squirting out of his body.
What is the first thing that the Doctors will do?
What has to happen FIRST if they are to save this man's life?
David Rockefeller needed a super highway to transport the cheap labor goods straight into the underbelly
of the United States…..right thur the middle of TEXAS. If they could build a SUPER HIGHWAY from Mexico right into the gut of Texas these goods can be
shipped East, West, North and South from Texas.
This Trans—TEXAS CORRIDOR is designed to bring hundreds of thousands and loads of cheap foreign goods and hit the American worker where it hurts the most - RIGHT UP THE GUT! To do this legally Rockefeller & Bilderbergs needed a governor of Texas. He bought GOV. Rick Perry to pass legislation to confiscate PRIVATE PROPERTY to make this super highway possible. Lets see look how Perry gets all these bills passed the public? Lets see how these outrageous pieces of legislation get passed and then signed into law by Governor Perry. voters in the Texas Legislature.